If you have any involvement in your company’s small-package
supply chain — Order Entry, Warehousing Operations, Picking,
Packing, Labeling, Scanning, Weighing, Manifesting and Delivery…
PARCEL Forum ’19 Dallas is your once-a-year opportunity to see
115 of the industry’s leading companies in one place at one time. |
Dedicated Exhibit Hall Hours |
Tuesday, October 29 2:30pm – 6:30pm |
Includes admission to the Grand Reception sponsored by the USPS |
Wednesday, October 30 — 10:00am – 12:30pm |
Includes Lunch on the Exhibit Floor |
We’re giving away $1,000 in our Bingo Card Giveaway
on Wednesday, October 30 (must be present to win). |
If you have any questions regarding registering, exhibiting
or sponsoring, please call toll-free 866.378.4991
or email info@EventEvolution.com. |