International Day — Sunday March 12 |
IBS brings the best from Israel, UK, Australia, Canada,
Bermuda, France and Japan |
Collaboration Monday — March 13 |
The Collective, Beauty Underground and Hairbrained take
the Main Stage for show-stopping performances |
Sharon Blaine • Tracey Hughes • CoCre8
Jenny Strebe • Lisa Strawther • Michael Levine
Steve Gomez • Patrick McIvor and MORE! |
Join American Salon’s Gordon Miller for American Salon
Social: Getting It Right on Instagram or attend Intercoiffure’s
Master Class, Past, Present and Future of the Salon Industry –
Where Do We Go From Here? |
A montage of incredible artists will demonstrate styles from
the past 10 decades to celebrate our 100th year anniversary!
You won’t want to miss this! Starring: |