Captivating Main Stage performances by leading industry artists,
including Ted Gibson, Sally Rogerson, Sarah Potempa,
Martin Parsons, Lisa Yamasaki, Charlie Price and many more |
More than 150 Free educational classes
in hair, nails, makeup and business |
An exhibit hall lined with 500+ leading beauty brands |
More Product-focused classes than ever before |
Thousands of products and tools at professionals-only pricing |
2016 Barber Competitions hosted by Major League Barber |
In-depth Hands-on Workshops and Master
Classes taught by beauty’s best |
Invaluable in-booth education to increase your skills and profits |
Access to the largest spa show in NYC –
free with your IBS New York ticket |
All taking place in the fashion and
beauty capital of the world – New York City |
Register today and create your story. |