Luxury Spa Collection to Return in 2015! |
American Spa’s first-ever Luxury Spa Collection, anexciting compendium of spa features highlightingsome of the world’s most buzzworthy spas, debuted in August 2014 and was a bona fide success. As such, we're bringing back this full-color compilation, in August 2015. In it, we will highlight a selection of some of the stunning spas featured on the pages of American Spa over the last year, as well as some of the hottest spa products for the season. |
Each American Spa subscriber will receive one copy of the issue to distribute in their
relaxation areas, ensuring a circulation of more than 28,000. |
PLUS: according to 2013 Signet Research, each copy of American Spa is read by
4.7 people, thus expanding the reach to more than 131,600 readers. |
• 10,000 more copies will be distributed to readers of American Salon magazine who offer skincare and spa services. |
• Each spa subscriber will have the opportunity to order bonus copies of the Collection for sale and distribution throughout the year, further adding to your circulation potential. |
• Plus, the Collection will have BONUS distribution of 10,000 at several events throughout 2015 and 2016, including IECSC Florida, Spatec Fall, IECSC New York, Spatec Spring, and IECSC Las Vegas. |
In addition to distribution to American Spa's 35,000-plus email database, a digital version of The Luxury Spa Collection will be distributed to 18,000 luxury travel agents, as well as 131,000 consumer members of the Five Star Alliance, a luxury hotel booking site that features more than 4,000 luxury hotels and resorts worldwide and receives one million visitors per month. |
• Inside Cover Spread $8,400
• Opening spreads (5 available) $7,350 |
• Inside back cover $5,250 |
• Back Cover $7,350 |
Premium Positions sold first come,
first served. |
Single Page Ad: $4,200 |
Spread Ad: $6,825 |
Advertorial Spread: $6,825 |
Ad Close: July 10 |
Materials Due: July 17 |
Cost: $400-$1,250 |
Contact your rep for details |
25 copies: $175 |
50 copies: $300 |
100 copies: $575 |
500 copies: $2,500 |
1,000 copies: $4,000 |
Order deadline: June 26 |
Contact your sales rep today! |
Director, Integrated Media
Sales, Western Region |
kpanter@questex.com |