Luxury Spa Collection to Return in 2017! |
American Spa’s first-ever Luxury Spa Collection, an exciting compendium of spa features highlighting some of the world’s most buzzworthy spas, debuted in August 2014 and was a bona fide success. As such, we're bringing back this full-color compilation in August 2016. In it, we will highlight a selection of some of the stunning spas featured on the pages of American Spa over the last year, as well as some of the hottest spa products for the season. |
Each American Spa subscriber will receive one copy of the issue to distribute in their
relaxation areas, ensuring a circulation of more than 28,000. |
PLUS: according to Signet Research, each copy of American Spa is read by
4.7 people, thus expanding the reach to more than 131,600 readers. |
• 10,000 more copies will be distributed to readers of American Salon magazine who offer skincare and spa services. |
• Each spa subscriber will have the opportunity to order bonus copies of the Collection for sale and distribution throughout the year, further adding to your circulation potential. |
• Plus, the Collection will have BONUS distribution of 10,000 at several events throughout 2017 and 2018, including IECSC Florida, SPATEC Fall, IECSC New York, IECSC Chicago, SPATEC Spring, and IECSC Las Vegas. |
Additionally, the digital edition of Luxury Spa Collection will reach nearly 200,000 additional readers. Among them will be subscribers to American Spa's email database, a collection of luxury travel agents from Luxury Travel Advisor, and consumer members of the Five Star Alliance, a luxury hotel booking site. It will also include promotion across American Spa's social media channels and website, even furthering its digital reach. |
• Inside Cover Spread $8,400
• Opening spreads (5 available) $7,350 |
• Inside back cover $5,250 |
• Back Cover $7,350 |
Premium Positions sold first come,
first served. |
Single Page Ad: $4,200 |
Spread Ad: $6,825 |
Advertorial: $3,750 |
Ad Close: July 7 |
Materials Due: July 14 |
Cost: $400-$1,250 |
Contact your rep for details |
25 copies: $175 |
50 copies: $300 |
100 copies: $575 |
500 copies: $2,500 |
1,000 copies: $4,000 |
Order deadline: July 21 |
Contact your sales rep today! |
Director, Integrated Media
Sales, Western Region |
kpanter@questex.com |