Many sunless tanning products are offering added benefits in the
form of anti-aging ingredients, hydration, SPF, and so on. We’ll look
at the products and treatments that offer healthier and more
natural ingredients and are creating better smelling formulas. |
For consideration, please email your company name, website,
a 50-word description, and a hi-res image by Friday, February 5
to Darby at dradcliff@questex.com. |
• You’ll have the opportunity to be featured in a sidebar in the
April issue with your company name, website, and brief response
to “What are some ways spas can boost their sunless tanning profits?”
Deadline to be featured in the sidebar is Friday, February 19. |
• Feature in Spotlight Newsletter Special Sunless Tanning Edition |
Spotlight Newsletter includes your product image,
product description, and link to your website
($550 value - included with purchase of a full-page ad!) |
Director, Integrated
Media Sales, Western Region |
kpanter@questex.com |